KernelInterpolation.jl API


KernelInterpolation.jl is a Julia package that implements methods for multivariate interpolation in arbitrary dimension based on symmetric (conditionally) positive-definite kernels with a focus on radial basis functions. It can be used for classical interpolation of scattered data, as well as for generalized (Hermite-Birkhoff) interpolation by using a meshfree collocation approach. This can be used to solve partial differential equations both stationary ones and time-dependent ones by using some time integration method from OrdinaryDiffEq.jl.

See also: KernelInterpolation.jl


Kernel functions

Matern52Kernel{Dim}(; shape_parameter = 1.0)

Matern kernel with $\nu = 5/2$, i.e.,

\[ \phi(r) = (1 + \sqrt{5}\varepsilon r + 5\cdot(\varepsilon r)^2/3)\exp(-\sqrt{5}\varepsilon r),\]

where $\varepsilon$ is the shape parameter. The Matern kernel is positive definite.

See Wikipedia and Fasshauer (2007), p. 41.

See also MaternKernel, RadialSymmetricKernel.

  • Gregory Fasshauer (2007) Meshfree Approximation Methods with MATLAB World Scientific DOI: 10.1142/6437
Matern72Kernel{Dim}(; shape_parameter = 1.0)

Matern kernel with $\nu = 7/2$, i.e.,

\[ \phi(r) = (1 + \sqrt{7}\varepsilon r + 12\cdot(\varepsilon r)^2/5 + 7\cdot(\varepsilon r)^3/15)\exp(-\sqrt{7}\varepsilon r),\]

where $\varepsilon$ is the shape parameter. The Matern kernel is positive definite.

See Wikipedia and Fasshauer (2007), p. 41.

See also MaternKernel, RadialSymmetricKernel.

  • Gregory Fasshauer (2007) Meshfree Approximation Methods with MATLAB World Scientific DOI: 10.1142/6437
MaternKernel{Dim}(nu = 1.5; shape_parameter = 1.0)

Matern kernel with

\[ \phi_\nu(r) = \frac{2^{1-\nu}}{\Gamma(\nu)}\big(\sqrt{2\nu}\varepsilon r\big)^\nu K_\nu\big(\sqrt{2\nu}\varepsilon r\big),\]

where $\varepsilon$ is the shape parameter. The Matern kernel is positive definite.

See Wikipedia and Fasshauer (2007), p. 41.

See also RadialSymmetricKernel.

  • Gregory Fasshauer (2007) Meshfree Approximation Methods with MATLAB World Scientific DOI: 10.1142/6437
MultiquadricKernel{Dim}(beta = 0.5; shape_parameter = 1.0)

Multiquadric kernel function with

\[ \phi(r) = (1 + (\varepsilon r)^2)^\beta,\]

where $\varepsilon$ is the shape parameter. The multiquadric kernel is conditionally positive definite of order $m = \lceil\beta \rceil$. See Wendland (2004), p. 109.

See also RadialSymmetricKernel.


Polyharmonic spline kernel function with

\[ \phi_k(r) = \begin{cases} r^k, &\text{ if } k \text{ odd}\\ r^k\log(r), &\text{ if } k \text{ even} \end{cases}.\]

The polyharmonic spline is conditionally positive definite of order $m = \lceil k/2\rceil$ for odd k and order $m = k/2 + 1$ for even k. See Wendland (2004), pp. 111–112.

See also RadialSymmetricKernel.

RadialCharacteristicKernel{Dim}(beta = 2.0; shape_parameter = 1.0)

Radial characteristic function (or also called truncated power or Askey) kernel function with

\[ \phi(r) = (1 - \varepsilon r)^\beta_+,\]

where $\varepsilon$ is the shape parameter. The radial characteristic function is positive definite if $\beta\ge (d + 1)/2$. It is compactly supported. See Wendland (2004), p. 80, Iske (2018), p. 281.

See also RadialSymmetricKernel.


An abstract supertype of radial symmetric kernels. Radial symmetric kernels are generated by an even and continuous function $\Phi: \mathbb{R}^d\to\mathbb{R}$, which is radial-symmetric meaning that there exists a $\phi:[0,\infty]\to\mathbb{R}$ such that

\[ \Phi(x) = \phi(\Vert x\Vert).\]

The kernel is then defined by

\[ K(x, y) = \Phi(x - y).\]

A RadialSymmetricKernel can be evaluated at two points x and y by calling kernel(x, y) or at a single point x by calling kernel(x), which implicitly sets y to zero.

RieszKernel{Dim}(beta; shape_parameter = 1.0)

Riesz kernel with

\[ \phi(r) = -(\varepsilon r)^\beta,\]

where $\varepsilon$ is the shape parameter and $\beta\in (0,2)$. The Riesz kernel is conditionally positive definite of order 1. See Hertrich et al. (2023).

See also RadialSymmetricKernel.

  • Johannes Hertrich, Christian Wald, Fabian Altekrüger, Paul Hagemann (2023) Generative Sliced MMD Flows with Riesz Kernels ArXiv: 2305.11463
WendlandKernel{Dim}(k; shape_parameter = 1.0, d = Dim)

Wendland kernel with

\[ \phi_{d,k}(r) = \begin{cases} p_{d,k}(\varepsilon r), \text{ if } 0\le \varepsilon r\le 1\\ 0, \text{ if } \varepsilon r > 1 \end{cases},\]

where $\varepsilon$ is the shape parameter and $p$ is a polynomial with minimal degree. The Wendland kernel is positive definite for d\le Dim and compactly supported. See Wendland (2004), p. 129 or Fasshauer (2007), pp. 87–88.

See also RadialSymmetricKernel.

WuKernel{Dim}(l, k; shape_parameter = 1.0)

Wu kernel with

\[ \phi_{l,k}(r) = \begin{cases} p_{l,k}(\varepsilon r), \text{ if } 0\le \varepsilon r\le 1\\ 0, \text{ if } \varepsilon r > 1 \end{cases},\]

where $\varepsilon$ is the shape parameter, $k\le l$, and $p$ is a polynomial of degree $4l - 2k + 1$. The Wu kernel is positive definite for $Dim\le 2k + 1$ and compactly supported. See Fasshauer (2007), pp. 88–90 and Wu (1995).

See also RadialSymmetricKernel.

  • Gregory Fasshauer (2007) Meshfree Approximation Methods with MATLAB World Scientific DOI: 10.1142/6437
  • Zongmin Wu (1995) Compactly supported positive definite radial functions Advances in Computational Mathematics DOI: 10.1007/BF03177517

Given a vector of kernels, construct a new kernel that multiplies the results of the component kernels, i.e., the new kernel $K$ is given by

\[ K(x, y) = \prod_{i = 1}^n K_i(x, y),\]

where $K_i$ are the component kernels and $n$ the number of kernels. Note that all component kernels need to have the same dim. A ProductKernel can also be constructed using the * operator.


Given a vector of kernels, construct a new kernel that sums the results of the component kernels, i.e., the new kernel $K$ is given by

\[ K(x, y) = \sum_{i = 1}^n K_i(x, y),\]

where $K_i$ are the component kernels and $n$ the number of kernels. Note that all component kernels need to have the same dim. A SumKernel can also be constructed using the + operator.

TransformationKernel{Dim}(kernel, transformation)

Given a base kernel and a bijective transformation function, construct a new kernel that applies the transformation to both arguments $x$ and $y$, i.e., the new kernel $K_T$ is given by

\[ K_T(x, y) = K(Tx, Ty),\]

where $K$ is the base kernel and $T$ the transformation, i.e. if $K$ is a kernel of dimension $d$, $T$ is a function from dimension Dim to $d$, where Dim is the dimension of the new kernel.


Node sets

distance_matrix(nodeset1::NodeSet, nodeset2::NodeSet)

Compute the distance matrix between two NodeSets, which is a matrix $D$ with $D_{ij} = \|x_i - \xi_j\|$ for all $i$ and $j$, where $x_i$ are the nodes in nodeset1 and $\xi_j$ are the nodes on nodeset2.

homogeneous_hypercube(n, x_min = ntuple(_ -> 0.0, dim), x_max = ntuple(_ -> 1.0, dim); [dim])

If n is integer, create a NodeSet with n homogeneously distributed nodes in every dimension each of dimension dim inside a hypercube defined by the bounds x_min and x_max. If n is a Tuple of length dim, then use as many nodes in each dimension as described by n. The resulting NodeSet will have $n^{\textrm{dim}}$ respectively $\prod_{j = 1}^{\textrm{dim}}n_j$ points. If the bounds are given as single values, they are applied for each dimension. If they are Tuples of size dim, the hypercube has the according bounds. If dim is not given explicitly, it is inferred by the lengths of n, x_min and x_max if possible.

homogeneous_hypercube_boundary(n, x_min = ntuple(_ -> 0.0, dim), x_max = ntuple(_ -> 1.0, dim); [dim])

If n is integer, create a NodeSet with n homogeneously distributed nodes in every dimension each of dimension dim on the boundary of a hypercube defined by the bounds x_min and x_max. If n is a Tuple of length dim, then use as many nodes in each dimension as described by n. If the bounds are given as single values, they are applied for each dimension. If they are Tuples of size dim, the hypercube has the according bounds. If dim is not given explicitly, it is inferred by the lengths of n, x_min and x_max if possible.

random_hypercube(n, x_min = ntuple(_ -> 0.0, dim), x_max = ntuple(_ -> 1.0, dim); [dim])

Create a NodeSet with n random nodes each of dimension dim inside a hypercube defined by the bounds x_min and x_max. If the bounds are given as single values, they are applied for each dimension. If they are Tuples of size dim the hypercube has the according bounds. If dim is not given explicitly, it is inferred by the lengths of x_min and x_max if possible.

random_hypercube_boundary(n, x_min = ntuple(_ -> 0.0, dim), x_max = ntuple(_ -> 1.0, dim); [dim])

Create a NodeSet with n random nodes each of dimension dim on the boundary of a hypercube defined by the bounds x_min and x_max. If the bounds are given as single values, they are applied for each dimension. If they are Tuples of size dim the hypercube has the according bounds. If dim is not given explicitly, it is inferred by the lengths of x_min and x_max if possible.

random_hypersphere(n, r = 1.0, center = zeros(dim); [dim])

Create a NodeSet with n random nodes each of dimension dim inside a hypersphere with radius r around the center center. If dim is not given explicitly, it is inferred by the length of center if possible.

random_hypersphere_boundary(n, r = 1.0, center = zeros(dim); [dim])

Create a NodeSet with n random nodes each of dimension dim at the boundary of a hypersphere with radius r around the center center. If dim is not given explicitly, it is inferred by the length of center if possible.

values_along_dim(nodeset::NodeSet, i::Int)

Convenience function to return all $x_i$-values of the nodes, i.e. the i-th component of each node. Supported for nodeset with dim(nodeset) >= i.




Interpolation object that can be evaluated at a node and represents a kernel interpolation of the form

\[ s(x) = \sum_{j = 1}^N c_jK(x, x_j) + \sum_{k = 1}^Q d_kp_k(x),\]

where $x_j$ are the nodes in the nodeset and $s(x)$ the interpolant satisfying $s(x_j) = f(x_j)$, where $f(x_j)$ are given by values in interpolate and $p_k$ is a basis of the Q-dimensional space of multivariate polynomials of order order. The additional conditions

\[ \sum_{j = 1}^N c_jp_k(x_j) = 0, \quad k = 1,\ldots, Q\]

are enforced.


Temporal interpolation of an ODE solution. The result can be evaluated at a time t and a spatial point x. Evaluating the interpolation at a time t returns an Interpolation object that can be evaluated at a spatial point x.

interpolate(nodeset, values, kernel = GaussKernel{dim(nodeset)}(), m = order(kernel))

Interpolate the values evaluated at the nodes in the nodeset to a function using the kernel kernel and polynomials up to a order m (i.e. degree - 1), i.e., determine the coefficients $c_j$ and $d_k$ in the expansion

\[ s(x) = \sum_{j = 1}^N c_jK(x, x_j) + \sum_{k = 1}^Q d_kp_k(x),\]

where $x_j$ are the nodes in the nodeset and $s(x)$ the interpolant $s(x_j) = f(x_j)$, where $f(x_j)$ are given by values and $p_k$ is a basis of the $Q$-dimensional space of multivariate polynomials with maximum degree of m - 1. If m = 0, no polynomial is added. The additional conditions

\[ \sum_{j = 1}^N c_jp_k(x_j) = 0, \quad k = 1,\ldots, Q = \begin{pmatrix}m - 1 + d\\d\end{pmatrix}\]

are enforced. Returns an Interpolation object.

kernel_inner_product(itp1, itp2)

Inner product of the native space for two interpolants itp1 and itp2 with the same kernel. The inner product is defined as

\[ \langle f, g\rangle_K = \sum_{i = 1}^N\sum_{j = 1}^Mc_i^fc_j^gK(x_i, \xi_j)\]

for the interpolants $f(x) = \sum_{i = 1}^Nc_i^fK(x, x_i)$ and $g(x) = \sum_{j = 1}^Mc_j^gK(x, \xi_j)$.

See also kernel_norm.


Norm of the native space defined by the kernel of the interpolant itp. The norm is defined as

\[ \|f\|_K^2 = \sum_{i,j=1}^Nc_ic_jK(x_i, x_j)\]

for the interpolant $f(x) = \sum_{j = 1}^nc_jK(x, x_j)$.

See also kernel_inner_product.


Return the order $m$ of the polynomial used for the interpolation, i.e., the polynomial degree plus 1. If $m = 0$, no polynomial is added.


Return the system matrix, i.e., the matrix $A$ in the linear system

\[ Ac = f,\]

where $c$ are the coefficients of the kernel interpolant and $f$ the vector of known values. The exact form of $A$ differs depending on whether classical interpolation or collocation is used.


Differential Operators

EllipticOperator(A, b, c)

Linear second-order elliptic operator with matrix $A(x)\in\mathbb{R}^{d\times d}$, vector $b(x)\in\mathbb{R}^d$, and scalar $c(x)$. The operator is defined as

\[ \mathcal{L}u = -\sum_{i,j = 1}^d a_{ij}(x)\partial_{x_i,x_j}^2u + \sum_{i = 1}^db_i(x)\partial_{x_i}u + c(x)u.\]

A, b and c are space-dependent functions returning a matrix, a vector, and a scalar, respectively. The matrix A should be symmetric and positive definite for any input x. The operator can be called with a RadialSymmetricKernel and points x and y to evaluate the operator of the kernel at x - y. It can also be called with an Interpolation object and a point x to evaluate the elliptic operator of the interpolation at x. Note that this is only supported for the kernel part of the interpolation, i.e. the polynomial part, if existent, is ignored.


The gradient operator. It can be called with a RadialSymmetricKernel and points x and y to evaluate the gradient of the kernel at x - y. It can also be called with an Interpolation object and a point x to evaluate the gradient of the interpolation at x. Note that this is only supported for the kernel part of the interpolation, i.e. the polynomial part, if existent, is ignored.


The Laplacian operator. It can be called with a RadialSymmetricKernel and points x and y to evaluate the Laplacian of the kernel at x - y. It can also be called with an Interpolation object and a point x to evaluate the Laplacian of the interpolation at x. Note that this is only supported for the kernel part of the interpolation, i.e. the polynomial part, if existent, is ignored.


Partial derivative operator with respect to the i-th component. The operator can be called with a RadialSymmetricKernel and points x and y to evaluate the derivative of the kernel at x - y. It can also be called with an Interpolation object and a point x to evaluate the first partial derivative of the interpolation at x in the i-th direction. Note that this is only supported for the kernel part of the interpolation, i.e. the polynomial part, if existent, is ignored.


Partial differential equations

AdvectionDiffusionEquation(diffusivity, advection_velocity, f)

Advection-diffusion equation with diffusivity diffusivity and advection velocity advection_velocity. The advection-diffusion equation is defined as

\[ \partial_t u + \mathbf{a}\cdot\nabla u = \kappa\Delta u + f,\]

where $\mathbf{a}$ is the advection velocity, $\kappa$ is the diffusivity, and $f$ is the right-hand side, which can be a time- and space-dependent function or a vector.


Advection equation with advection velocity advection_velocity. The advection equation is defined as

\[ \partial_t u + \mathbf{a}\cdot\nabla u = f,\]

where $\mathbf{a}$ is the advection velocity and $f$ a source term.

EllipticEquation(A, b, c, f)

Libear second-order elliptic equation with matrix A, vector b, and scalar c and right-hand side f. The elliptic equation is defined as

\[ \mathcal{L}u = -\sum_{i,j = 1}^d a_{ij}(x)\partial_{x_i,x_j}^2u + \sum_{i = 1}^db_i(x)\partial_{x_i}u + c(x)u = f,\]

where A, b and c are space-dependent functions returning a matrix, a vector, and a scalar, respectively.

See also EllipticOperator.

HeatEquation(diffusivity, f)

Heat equation with thermal diffusivity diffusivity. The heat equation is defined as

\[ \partial_t u = \kappa\Delta u + f,\]

where $\kappa$ is the thermal diffusivity and $f$ is the right-hand side, which can be a time- and space-dependent function or a vector.



Semidiscretization(spatial_discretization, initial_condition)
Semidiscretization(equations, nodeset_inner, boundary_condition, nodeset_boundary, initial_condition, kernel = GaussKernel{dim(nodeset_inner)}())

Semidiscretization of a partial differential equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions and initial condition initial_condition. The boundary_condition function can be time- and space-dependent. The initial_condition function is time- and space-dependent to be able to reuse it as analytical solution if available. If no analytical solution is available, the time variable can be ignored in the initial_condition function.

See also SpatialDiscretization, semidiscretize.

SpatialDiscretization(equations, nodeset_inner, boundary_condition, nodeset_boundary)

Spatial discretization of a partial differential equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions. The nodeset_inner are the nodes in the domain and nodeset_boundary are the nodes on the boundary. The boundary_condition is a function describing the Dirichlet boundary conditions.

See also Semidiscretization, solve_stationary.


Solve a stationary partial differential equation discretized as spatial_discretization with Dirichlet boundary conditions by non-symmetric collocation (Kansa method). Returns an Interpolation object.


Kernel matrices

kernel_matrix(nodeset1, nodeset2, kernel)

Return the kernel matrix for the nodeset and kernel. The kernel matrix is defined as

\[ A_{ij} = K(x_i, \xi_j),\]

where $x_i$ are the nodes in the nodeset1, $\xi_j$ are the nodes in the nodeset2, and $K$ the kernel.

kernel_matrix(nodeset, kernel)

Return the kernel matrix for the nodeset and kernel. The kernel matrix is defined as

\[ A_{ij} = K(x_i, x_j),\]

where $x_i$ are the nodes in the nodeset and $K$ the kernel.

operator_matrix(diff_op_or_pde, nodeset_inner, nodeset_boundary, kernel)

Compute the operator matrix $L$ discretizing $\mathcal{L}$ for a given kernel. The operator matrix is defined as

\[ L = A_\mathcal{L} A^{-1},\]

where $A_\mathcal{L}$ is the matrix of the differential operator (defined by the equations), and $A$ the kernel matrix.

See also pde_boundary_matrix and kernel_matrix.

pde_boundary_matrix(diff_op_or_pde, nodeset_inner, nodeset_boundary, kernel)

Compute the matrix of a partial differential equation (or differential operator) with a given kernel. The matrix is defined as

\[ A_\mathcal{L} = \begin{pmatrix}\tilde A_\mathcal{L}\\\tilde A\end{pmatrix},\]

where $\tilde A_\mathcal{L}$ is the matrix of the differential operator (defined by the equations) for the inner nodes $x_i$:

\[ (\tilde A_\mathcal{L})_{ij} = \mathcal{L}K(x_i, \xi_j),\]

and $\tilde A$ is the kernel matrix for the boundary nodes:

\[ \tilde A_{ij} = K(x_i, \xi_j),\]

where $\mathcal{L}$ is the differential operator (defined by the equations), $K$ the kernel, $x_i$ are the nodes in nodeset_boundary and $\xi_j$ are the nodes in union of nodeset_inner and nodeset_boundary.

See also pde_matrix and kernel_matrix.

pde_matrix(diff_op_or_pde, nodeset1, nodeset2, kernel)

Compute the matrix of a partial differential equation (or differential operator) with a given kernel. The matrix is defined as

\[ (\tilde A_\mathcal{L})_{ij} = \mathcal{L}K(x_i, \xi_j),\]

where $\mathcal{L}$ is the differential operator (defined by the equations), $K$ the kernel, $x_i$ are the nodes in nodeset1 and $\xi_j$ are the nodes in nodeset2.

polynomial_matrix(nodeset, ps)

Return the polynomial matrix for the nodeset and polynomials. The polynomial matrix is defined as

\[ A_{ij} = p_j(x_i),\]

where $x_i$ are the nodes in the nodeset and $p_j$ the polynomials.



AliveCallback(io::IO = stdout; interval::Integer=0, dt=nothing)

Inexpensive callback showing that a simulation is still running by printing some information such as the current time to the screen every interval time steps or after a time of dt in terms of integration time by adding additional (shortened) time steps where necessary (note that this may change the solution).

SummaryCallback(io::IO = stdout)

Create and return a callback that resets the timer at the beginning of a simulation and prints the timer values at the end of the simulation.

SaveSolutionCallback(; interval::Integer=0,
                     keys=append!(["itp"], "value_" .* string.(eachindex(extra_functions))))

Save the current numerical solution in regular intervals in VTK format as a Paraview Collection (.pvd). Either pass interval to save every interval time steps or pass dt to save in intervals of dt in terms of integration time by adding additional (shortened) time steps where necessary (note that this may change the solution). The interpolation object will always be saved at the inner and boundary nodes of the corresponding Semidiscretization. You can pass extra functions (time- and space-dependent) or vectors to save at these nodes via extra_functions. The corresponding keys in the .vtu files can be specified by keys.

See also add_to_pvd, vtk_save.



add_to_pvd(filename, pvd, time, nodeset::NodeSet, functions_or_vectors...;
           keys = "value_" .* string.(eachindex(functions_or_vectors)))

Same as vtk_save, but appends the data to a Paraview collection file pvd at time time. In contrast to vtk_save, the functions are time- and space-dependent.


Read a set of nodes from a VTK file and return them as a NodeSet. Note that the data will always be returned as a 3D NodeSet, even if the data is 1D or 2D. The point data will be returned as a dictionary with the keys being the names of the data arrays in the VTK file.

See also vtk_save.

vtk_save(filename, nodeset::NodeSet, functions_or_vectors...;
         keys = "value_" .* string.(eachindex(functions_or_vectors)))

Save a NodeSet to a VTK file. You can optionally pass a list of space-dependent functions or vectors to save the values of the functions at the nodes. The functions can also be passed as Interpolation or directly as vectors. The optional keyword argument keys is used to specify the names of the data arrays in the VTK file.

See also add_to_pvd, vtk_read.

